Learn how do Alteration

Vancouver B.C. Oct 09/ 2016.

Only few month that I stop do M.T.S.     I missing my work, my costumer , few them become a good friends.

Today many people call tailor a worker who try to do is best in to : shorten or lengthen sleeves, take in or out sides or back in a jacket , shorten shirt sleeves in professional way,

In pant :waist,seat,crotch in or out . bottom: Cuffs, Plain, Jeans, Original jeans bottom , lower front waist band.

With respect to all those worker ; they are not tailors .   To learn what I say above an intelligent person need 3 month working 40 hours weekly in a place were others worker do alterations, the apprentice after 4 hour  learned how to sewing, so he or she can start to be part of the production in do the surge, than  jeans bottom and every day go to learn more , and the three months    she  or he are capable to do what I say above

To become a tailor need: Intelligence Talent Love for Art and Style and must off all a Tailor shop were produce M.T.M suit , after 5 years working 40 hours  weekly he o her learned the technical way to sewing a jacket,pant,vest,tap coat, than wile continue working for is master go to learn cutting, than he can open is own tailor shop , continue to learn from is own mistakes all is life.

If someone like to learn how to do alterations can contact me at 604-565-4421.             E-mail : pino3567@yahoo.ca            www.bespokejacket.com

Oct. 2016 – ITALIA –

Ben tornato sig. Sandoro.
Bella Puntata.
Ho apprezzato molto l’intervsta col Sig. Briatore,ho apprezzato il coraggio nel dire come la pensa ,e non di dire quello che che al publico fa piacere sentire, cosa che purtroppo fanno quasi tutti i polici e molti giornalisti.
Un applauso al Sig. Briatore per aver detto: 85% di giovani emigrano ,il 15% sono coloro che non hanno voglia di lavorare.

Ritenco positivi i commenti del Sig. Sala.

Le parole del Sig. De Magistris quando parla di BUONA PIAZZA , Che all’estero nessuno conosce mi vien da chiederle : Cosa fa quando vede quei innumerevoli documentari che mostrano lo squallore nel quale vivono a Scambia, persone che dicono di non aver lavoro ,ma non trovano il tempo di pulire intorno a casa, questo fa rabbia a chi come me Emigrato ORGOGLIOSO della mia ITALIANITA’ mi farebbe piacere vedere la buona PIAZZA

I vari documentaristi la smettano di cercare solo cio vhe e’ negativo si vergognino, e la RAI si vergogni di darle spazio .

Egregio Sig Sandoro seguiro’ la sua trasmissione
Cordiali saluti
da Vancouver Canada

Giuseppe Mancuso

Nel 1942 -rischiai di morire come il piccolo Loris.

Avevo 7 anni vivevo a Palma Montechiaro in Corso Odierna 24 ,da casa mia ad arrivare a S.Leonardo era circa 30 minuti di cammino. Mi recavo li andando a lumache, e fu cosi che camminando a testa bassa mi inbattei in un coniglio che si dibatteva cercando di liberarsi dal cappio che le stringeva il collo, con me avevo un coltellino e con quello lo liberai.I giorni che seguirono andai piu’ spesso a S.Leonardo e non solo per lumache cosi’ mi capito’di liberare parecchi animaletti che trovavo ancora vivi.
A valle scorreva durante le piogge un ruscello ( u vaddrune) piu’ delle volte asciutto con qualche piccolo rigolo d’acqua ed era li che trovai piu’ cappii( lazzola) e mentre ero piegato a liberare un coniglietto sentii contemporaneamente una corda intorno al mio collo e una voce che con rabbia mi diceva:se non la smetti ti faccio fare la fine del coniglio.Alzai con spavento i miei occhi vidi una persona che conoscevo benissimo, abitava e carcari poco lontano di casa mia.
Faccio fatica a credere che Loris sia stato ucciso dalla propria mamma.
Cio che e’ successo a me puo’ essere una traccia?

Tip #5

( # 1 ) A. Tip for good sales (No Tailors- Who sale M.T.M.) . To avoid big alteration :

Learn the different posture as: Stoop, Erect, High Shoulders, Sloop shoulders, Stout, Athletic figure , Round Back, — Prominent seat, Flat seat, Different Hip , this and many detail are very important.

After you chose the company who going to do your order, my advice is the follow:

Order : Blazer in size – 36″ – 40″ – 42″- 44″ – 48″- 52″

Italian Size = 46 – 50 – 53- 56- 61- 66.

Size 36″,40″, 42″ order stock: R. , Stoop, Erect , ………………………………………………….# 9 Blazer

Size 44″ – 48 – Stock : R.- Stoop, Erect , Drop 4- Drop 8 ………………………………………….# 10 “”

Size 52″ Stock : R. Drop 2, Drop 0. Flat Chest, Corpulent , round back …………… 6

_The 25 jacket + 25 pant. will be in deposit.

You go to make a deposit of $ 10.000 . the manufacturing go to take from that account the cost off M.T.M you go to orger.

Avery 30 days you must deposit the money for the previous order to make sure the $ 10.000 are there _______________________________________________________________________________

The jacket go to use for fitting and made the eventually changed need be done , replace the jacket if saled.

Order pant with the same concept to go with the blazer (Color I reccomend for pant Black or dark grey)

The Jacket : Color : Black or navy blue .

In The order form , go to mark the pattern #, with the change also add 3 picture : Front ,Back and side.


To do so need an investment of $ 20.000, Canadian or less. that open you the door a gold mine busyness. Before start any thing asking […]

Buon Natale e Prospero anno nuovo a tutti gli Italiani.

Egregio sig Presidente Renzi nell augurarle buon Natale le chiedo un regalo per tutti gli Italiani : abbi il coraggio di varare un decreto legge nel quale mette un tetto massimo al stipendio di chi lavora per lo stato di 20.000.Euro mensili e senza exstra, e le pensione al massimo 5000. euro mensili.
con effetto immediato per stipenti, per le pensioni con un anno retroattivo.

Fare cio con molta trasprenza, gli Italiani debbono sapere chi vota la legge e chi no. La stampa deve informare chi ha votato favorele e chi no.

Io non sono un economista ,ma sono certo che cio sarebbe un primo passo per creare lavoro,dare fiducia , aiutare chi e’ senza tetto, infatti con tali tagli si puo’ fare un palazzo al mese.

People I trining during working for Harry Rosen.fROM 2000 TO 2011

I’m proud of training people during my time working for Harry in Vancouver Pacific Center.
Feb 13, 2000 Viki a new emigrant from China come to working as apprentice. She was an mechanic Engineer, non experience in tailoring. She learning very fast not only to do alterations ,but must important to help me to manage the tailor shop. To day she working there as Had tailor assistant.

July 13 -2002- Joan also new emigrant from China come to working as apprentice -previous job nurse. She learn fast, and as Viki learn how to manage a tailor shop. To day work for the same company as Had tailor in Oakridge store.

I working for Harry 32 hours weekly wile working at home doing Bespoke suit. 2005 bring my hours to 24. Viki take in care the shop.
2006 a tailor come working , he learning from his father who was tailor .
I help him to take my place , 2008 he become had tailor in Pacific Center ,I reduce again my hours to 16 weekly, and spent my time to help workers improve quality and production.

June 2009 Galina who working for harry since 1985 do alterations in any garment in her time come see me at home to learn how do extend alteration as Re-cut a jacket or pant:she learn a lot also she is very good for had tailor . She continue working for Harry.

Dec 17-2009. Hao, Jong Chinese emigrant come working as apprentice, he never had see a tailor shop, I teach him how use the needle and the sewing machine , First two hours practice in the serge machine than he start to do the serge on pant bottom, two day […]

About Previous post :# 1,2,3.

My previous tips #1,2,3,4. are direct to those M.T.M specialist and sale person (( NOT to the tailors)
Also I not try to teach them how to do, it is impossible from this page.

I’m trying to tell them what they need to know to avoid a lot of alterations.

To learn must go to a master tailor.

To those who like to see a M.T.M from start to finish Click on Maestri artigiani , and you see a jacket done all by hand in different posture; Reg. Stout, Pigeon chest.

#4- Tips to M.T.M specialist

My previous tips #1,2,3,4. are direct to those M.T.M specialist and sale person (( NOT to the tailors)
Also I not try to teach them how to do, it is impossible from this page.

I’m trying to tell them what they need to know to avoid a lot of alterations.

To learn must go to a master tailor.

To those who like to see a M.T.M from start to finish Click on Maestri artigiani , and you see a jacket done all by hand in different posture; Reg. Stout, Pigeon chest.

#3- Tips for a M.T.M. Specialist

To those M.T.M specialist and sale person .
Was more correct to say ( Special Stock) what they sale.

M.T.M suit is done by a master tailor the most important steps are:
* Measurement
* Noting the posture
* Making the personal pattern
* Fitting the jacket 3 times

_ First fitting : pocket no done
_ Second “‘ ” : front and pocket done, sides, shoulders, under collar and sleeves imbasted.
_ Third fitting : Sides and shoulders done, Under collar ,pad shoulders and sleeves imbasted.

on delivery checks the measurements
* Sleeves and coat length *Point to point shoulders
* Half back *Half waist * correct the pattern, the nex suit can be done with the first fitting only or non.

Tips # 2 to help a good result for a M.T.M, saled by sales, done by a Manifacture

Aug. 28 /2014 . I try to give some advice to sales person regarding how important is the observation of costumer posture during measurement.

Was not my intention criticise any manufacture or compare their work, nor to compare with the M.T.M. done by a tailor whom not need my advice.

I like to add a another suggestion : Take all way the measure of the Neck.( that measurement save the Re-Cut the jacket wen costumer as: jacket size 54 ( 43″ ) Neck 15. 1/2 Long Neck ( normal 17)